Exploring Career Opportunities: A Comprehensive Guide to Jobs in Esports

Overview of Esports Careers

Talk of esports careers often sparks images of gaming champions controlling digital avatars in adrenaline-fueled tournaments. Yet, as the industry matures, it’s also generating employment in areas one might not expect. This section delves into the dynamics of the esports job market, ranging from the phenomenal growth of the industry to various professional roles.

Growth of the Industry

Esports isn’t just a niche market anymore. In fact, it’s been growing at an astronomical rate. Global revenues of the esports industry reached $1 billion in 2019, representing a year-on-year increase of over 26% [source: Newzoo]. By 2023, it’s projected that the total industry revenues could exceed $1.6 billion.

In the past decade, the industry’s growth has not only been reflected in its revenues but also in its audience. The total esports viewership hit 496 million people in 2020, a figure that could rise to 646 million by 2023 [source: Insider Intelligence].

Additionally, esports has garnered attraction from various sectors, including multinational companies eager to sponsor events, media companies broadcasting tournaments, and top universities offering esports programs. Such broad-based support testifies the industry’s resilience, longevity, and capacity for continuous growth.

Jobs in ESports

Esports offers myriad roles, extending beyond just being a professional player. These roles cut across multiple sectors, providing diverse opportunities for industry aspirants.

  1. Events Professionals: From live match producers to event coordinators, these roles involve managing esports events and ensuring they run smoothly.
  2. Content Creators: Be it writers, video producers, or graphic artists, content creators are in high demand to create engaging media for esports fans.
  3. Coaches and Analysts: They contribute to the success of teams by providing strategic insights and improving player performances.
  4. Marketing and Sales: Responsible for promoting events, attracting sponsors, and forging partnerships.
  5. Game Developers: They design, modify, and maintain the video game platforms used in esports.
  6. Administrative Roles: Including management, human resources, and dedicated esports lawyers, these roles provide support to keep the industry functioning.

Esports has grown into a thriving industry, substantial in size, revenue, and opportunity. The dynamism in roles speaks to the comprehensive nature of this industry, accommodating a variety of professional skill sets and creating a fulfilling career path for many.

Pathways to Entering the Esport Industry

Addressing the customary routes to joining this vibrant industry, two clear strands emerge — the educational avenue and the transition from amateur to professional.

Education and Skills Required

The esports industry, like an array of other professions, acknowledges the importance of formal education. A multitude of universities worldwide provide specialized courses in eSports. These courses focus on enhancing the participants’ strategic, technical, and managerial acumen.

A 2019 report from the British Esports Association mentions universities like Staffordshire and Roehampton in the UK, offering bachelor’s degrees and scholarships in esports. In the US, colleges like Becker College and Full Sail University extend degrees and scholarships in esports, underlining the academic recognition esports has gained.

But academics aren’t the only pathway into esports. Acquiring relevant skills suited to the various roles within the industry can increase one’s chances of breaking into this competitive field. For instance, aspiring event professionals benefit from enhanced organizational and communication skills. Content creators and marketing experts should master content management platforms, social media, video creation tools, and data analytics.

From Amateur to Professional

Breaking into the professional esports realm from an amateur status forms the other pathway. Rankings in amateur tournaments and consistent high performance at gaming platforms can get the attention of scouts.

Hundreds of amateur tournaments, like the Collegiate Starleague headquartered in the US, provide platforms for budding players to showcase their skill and prowess. High-ranking amateur players often receive invitations to play in professional tournaments or sign contracts with professional esports teams to officially step into the professional league.

In a nutshell, reaching the professional level in esports requires not just gaming skill, but also dedication, perseverance, and a strategy to get noticed by the right people. No matter the pathway chosen, each journey into the esports industry presents unique challenges and rewards.

As technology continues to evolve and the world embraces esports, the industry’s growth seems unstoppable. So, whether you’re a gaming enthusiast or a professional seeking a career shift, esports offers a dynamic and exciting path.